This project originally started as an illustration challenge I took part in on Instagram, #thepatternchallengebymel created by Melanie Johnsson.
Every few days I drew a new pattern, inspired by the day's word prompt. The process was somewhat new to me since I was more familiar with creating patterns in Illustrator rather than Procreate.
One of my illustrations was selected to be part of Melanie Johnsson's new publication, The Pattern Paper. Profits went to Arthouse Unlimited Charity to support artists with neuro-diverse and physical needs.
The Pattern Paper is a newspaper featuring over 50 illustrations by over 50 different artists across the world who took part in the Summer 2021 edition of the Pattern Challenge on Instagram, created by Melanie Johnsson. My illustration for the prompt "Joy" was chosen and published in the paper. Rollerskating, of course, is one of my greatest joys.
Though I have one pattern featured in the Pattern Paper, I had illustrated 16 patterns, all of which can be seen on my Instagram. Some of these became prints that I would later sell.
Design: Melanie Johnsson